Sunday, August 14, 2011


"Fatigue is the best pillow."
- Benjamin Franklin

The weekend is coming to an end. I have a great deal of work facing me this week as I need to make up for the client appointments and work I was supposed to do last week but had to put aside to attend to my mom. Unfortunately, I'm starting the week tired.

Jacob's and Jonathan's birthday party finally ended around 3 o'clock this afternoon when the last of the seven kids who stayed over, went home. I went to bed late after cleaning up and rose early to feed the hoard as they straggled in from sleeping. There were a couple of hangovers to deal with but mostly they were hungry and happy to be fed. I had barely cleaned up from breakfast when a delivery man appeared at the door. The kids had ordered Chinese food. They ate and left a big mess. I cleaned up one more time before I headed to the nursing home to spend time with my mom.

Mom is looking better and brighter since she is back in her own bed. But the poor nursing care she had at the hospital resulted in bed sores on her hip. The nursing home staff have taken great care to repair the damage but it is evident Mom is experiencing some discomfort. It's incredibly frustrating to see her in this situation. The nursing home staff report they have never had a patient return from a stay at the hospital, who did not come back without a bed sore. Horrifying and unconscionable.

As Stan dropped Cath off at the nursing home on their way home from the lake this afternoon, I ended up taking Cath grocery shopping when we left Mom's. I got home, made dinner and now need to clean up. I can barely face it. I think I'll try for an early bedtime and hope to wake refreshed in the morning.

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