Thursday, August 18, 2011

Amazing Grace

“Grace is available for each of us every day - our spiritual daily bread - but we've got to remember to ask for it with a grateful heart and not worry about whether there will be enough for tomorrow.” -Sarah Ban Breathnach

It will be twenty-two years on Saturday since Merv and I got married. I've been thinking a lot in the last week about what I must have been thinking about that week (though I don't actually remember). I know I had great dreams and hopes for my life. I suspect, though, that I didn't know that I would have a life filled with an abundance of grace - perhaps more grace than anyone could hope for or expect.

Three days shy of our second wedding anniversary, Jacob was born. That very event alone made me one of the most blessed women in the world. In the intervening years, my life has been an abundance of blessings. I've probably never been more aware of that than I have been these past couple of weeks.

In late July, I went to Princess Margaret Hospital for my annual MRI. As I didn't hear anything from the hospital within the week following, I assumed all is well. But nine days after the MRI, I got the dreaded phone call. The MRI showed a problem that merited further investigation. Follow up tests were scheduled for today, sixteen days after that call. In those sixteen days, I hosted Cath's birthday dinner, Jacob's and Jonathan's birthday party and just last night, Jacob's birthday dinner. My Mom fell and broke her hip, survived surgery and is making a miraculous recovery. I am so grateful for those things - a wonderful family to celebrate and the survival of my Mom, that I didn't know if I even dared to ask for good results today. But through the grace of God, I got them anyway. All clear.

My life is almost an embarrassment of riches. I am so grateful. Amazing grace.

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