Monday, August 3, 2009

Old Friends, New Friends

"The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
I've been thinking about someone I haven't seen for a long time. She is a woman I shared a close relationship with at one time, but hectic lives and distance got in the way and we somehow drifted apart. I really didn't know how to even get in touch again, but last night I looked her up on LinkedIn and lo and behold, I found her. She accepted my invitation to link in. I learned that my friend Sheila has been living and working in Tokyo. Beyond that I don't know much but I'm so happy to be in touch with her again. We have about ten years worth to catch up on. There was a time Sheila lived in Toronto as an ex-patriot American transplanted from Connecticut. We both worked at The Hartford. She didn't know anyone here so she spent a lot of time at our house. Once more technology gives me the gift of connecting with a friend.

Closer to home, our new neighbours took possession of their house on Friday. We managed a brief introduction in the driveway. They seem like a lovely young couple. While entertaining some friends on our balcony this afternoon, we spotted them washing the windows at the back of their house. I called over to Jeremy, the young man, and invited him and his wife Joyce to come and join us for a glass of wine. I was so happy they accepted our invitation. A glass of wine transitioned into them staying for dinner. Jacob invited one of his friends to join us and my sister Cathy dropped in with her young neighbor too. Suddenly, our small dinner party became a gathering of ten. What a perfect way to spend a beautiful summer evening.

We are such lucky people.

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