Sunday, June 1, 2014


“Spectacular achievement is always preceded by unspectacular preparation.” – Robert H. Schuller

It's a good thing the warm weather is finally here because I'm so filled with pride that I'm sure I would burst the buttons on any jacket I put on.

Last Wednesday night, I learned from Jacob that he has been named as the recipient of the Helen Grace Tucker Design Award for the faculty of Computer Engineering at the University of Guelph.  The award is made to the student with the highest three year average in design.  In addition to a small cash award, a ceremony will be held next week a couple of days before his convocation.  One of the great things about that, is that Jacob can bring as many people as he likes to the ceremony.  As he is unable to secure enough tickets to invite his aunts and uncle to convocation, this will still give them an opportunity to participate in his graduation process.  And it will give his dad and I two separate occasions to watch our incredible son cross the stage and be honored for his hard work and tremendous achievement.

As if that wasn't enough to keep me floating, on Friday my best friend Gail was awarded her Doctorate in Business Administration.  I am so inspired by her and so awed by her tenacity, brilliance and stellar achievement that I was speechless when she called and gave me the news.  I don't think that Gail has ever known me to be speechless in the twenty seven years that we've been friends and as she couldn't see the tears rolling down my face, I sure hope I was still able to convey through my sniffles and mutters that I couldn't feel happier for or prouder of her. 

Yesterday I hit the party store and bought two sets of graduation decorations.  Let the celebrations begin!

1 comment:

  1. You are lovely! Thanks for sharing my excitment Jackie!
