Sunday, January 8, 2012

Back in the Rhythm

"Action and reaction, ebb and flow, trial and error, change - this is the rhythm of living. Out of our over-confidence, fear; out of our fear, clearer vision, fresh hope. And out of hope, progress." - Bruce Barton

Jacob is back in Guelph. The twelve days of Christmas are officially done and the rhythm of the new year begins. I'm starting off the year busy - a good harbinger of what is to come. Another human rights complaint filed against one of my corporate clients is not good news for them but it's good work for me. Add that to some other consulting projects I'm working on and some personal projects and my time is full.

I was very sad to leave Jacob yesterday. It was the first time in a long time that I was unsuccessful in hiding my tears. It has been so wonderful to have him home - every day a pleasure whether passed in holiday celebration or quiet, comfortable companionship. The time flew by. But he needs to do what he needs to do and that means tackling the next semester of school. And I need to do what I need to do and that means work and study and support for those around me who are still in the midst of their own trials.

Defying all understanding, Geraldine's sister, Beverley, is still alive. Though she was expected to pass on Christmas Eve, she hung on and rallied on Christmas Day. Though tenuously, she continues to live, mostly with one foot on the other side but still lucid at times. No one can explain. Perhaps there is no explanation. Clearly she is not ready to go yet and when she is she will. In the meantime though, her family continues to struggle and I continue to make supporting Geraldine, one of my top priorities.

A week from tomorrow, my darling sister Nancy will celebrate a milestone birthday. I'm still trying to figure out what gift I can give her that will be special enough to mark 65 years. Nan doesn't need or want things and so I generally try to give her an experience. Cath and I wanted to take her away on a vacation but she doesn't want to go. She won't leave my mom even for a weekend so I need to come up with some other idea. I was thinking perhaps I would look to see what is playing at the theatre and buy some tickets for a matinee performance. That way she won't even have to leave my mom for an evening - another thing she hates to do. Tomorrow I will also go to my favorite Queen Street jewelry supply stores and see if anything speaks to me that could come together as a special piece for Nan.

Into the rhythm.

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