Saturday, November 21, 2015

My Prayer

Dear God,

In the wake of so much conflict and sadness in the world, I find myself slipping into a dark place.  Please help me to find my way back to the light.  Please help me not to judge those who are making me angry with their views, though they differ from my own.  Please help me to accept that we are all doing the best we can.  Please help me to do my best.

Everytime I hear another person say that we shouldn't allow the Syrian refugees to come into Canada, I want to cry.  I want to rail at them for what seems to be their heartlessness and mean-spiritedness.  In my heart of hearts, I know mostly they are just afraid.  Please God, help them not to be afraid. 

Please help us to embrace one another.  Help us to find the things that bind us as humans.  Help us to understand that it is not skin colour or religion or place of birth that separates us, but rather fear, greed and hatred. Remind us that you did not draw the lines around the countries on the map but created the world for all of us to share.  Help us to find our better instincts. 

Help us to accept what is inevitably coming our way and let it bring out the best in us, rather than the worst.  Help us to be helpers, to provide comfort and refuge to all your children who need it.  Help us to remember that we are all your children.

Please forgive us when we fail.  Help us to pick ourselves up each time we fall, learn from our mistakes and try again. 

Thank you for the many blessings you have bestowed upon me.  For being born in a safe and free country.  For access to education, employment, health care, potable water, shelter, transit and food.  Thank you for family and friends.  I will try to be worthy of these gifts.


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