Tuesday, November 19, 2013

"No" Mr. Ford

"Just say no to drugs." - Nancy Regan

In 1982 when her husband Ron was president of the United States, Nancy Regan was asked by a child in an elementary school, what she should do if someone offered her drugs.  Nancy Regan responded by saying "Just say no."  That simple response spawned an advertising campaign across the United States - "Just Say No". People from all over the U.S. jumped on the bandwagon and eventually the "Just Say No" campaign spread across the Atlantic to Great Britain and several other European nations.  Such a simple concept.

There were those who dismissed Nancy Regan's campaign as ridiculously simplistic.  I can see their point.  Just the same, there is something in the simplicity of it that has stayed with me these many years.  I often find myself suggesting to advice seekers that they take the Nancy Regan approach and just say "no".  While I'm not normally inclined to offer advice unasked, I'm going to make an exception tonight.  Mayor Ford, this advice is for you.

Just say "no".  Say "no" to drugs. Say "no" to alcohol.  Say "no" to hanging out at crack houses.  Say "no" to gang involvement.  Say "no" to driving high.  Say "no" to domestic violence.  Say "no" to fraternizing with sex workers. Say "no" to requests for interviews.  Say "no" when asked to comment on live media.  Clearly you can't handle it.  You have no impulse control.  You have no shame.  You have no dignity.  Spare the citizens of Toronto from any further humiliation.  Please Mr. Ford.  We just can't take it anymore.  Yesterday City Council said "no" to you.  That's enough. No. No. No.

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