Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Having A Day

"No good deed goes unpunished." - Clare Boothe Luce

I'm having a day. I've been working too hard, doing too much, giving too freely. My clients should be kissing my feet. Instead, the world seemed to wake up on high whine today. I've been barraged by criticism - all of it based on untruths and severely skewed, self-serving statements. Though I easily cleared up the misconceptions, thus stopping the unfair criticisms, I find myself completely drained and exhausted tonight.

I intended to spend the evening preparing for a seminar I am co-presenting on Friday on the new Ontario Bill 168 related to violence and harassment in the workplace. It is a convoluted and confusing law which is causing a lot of heartburn to H.R. practitioners province-wide. I still have a distance to go before I've got my arms around the implications and obligations the law will impose on Ontario companies beginning June 15. The truth be told, despite my best intentions I haven't done a bit of work tonight. I can't focus on or digest the contents of the many booklets that are sitting on my table.

Instead it has been an evening of American Idol and mindless television. Despite a twinge of guilt, I'm hoping the break will allow me to summon enough energy in the morning to push through my work with some speed. I suspect I don't have another twelve hour workday left in me this week.

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