Friday, June 24, 2016

In My Corner of the World

"We cannot do great things, only small things with great love." - Mother Theresa

In spite of the beautiful sunshine, the world is looking a little dark right now.  Donald Trump continues to spew his venom, people are still reeling from the mass shooting in Orlando and yesterday the U.K. voted to leave the European Union.  The market is tanking and things feel scary.  If I could, I would wave my magic wand and fix it.  I would erase the fear and hatred at the heart of most of our problems.  Oh that I had a magic wand.  But I don't.

Nonetheless, I am not helpless.  I do not have the big fix for all these problems but there are things I can do.  I can speak up for love.  I can speak up against hatred.  I can help in lots of small ways.  I can listen to someone who is struggling.  I can let someone cut ahead of me in the grocery store line.  I can smile and say hello to the woman in the hijab when I see her in the store.  I can pay for the coffee of the person behind me at Tim Horton's.  I can buy a few pairs of pyjamas and drop them off to the refugee clothing bank.  I can attend a Pride celebration.  I can bring a cold drink to the security guard at my mom's nursing home.

I can't heal the planet but I can make my corner of the world a little better.  None of us can do everything.  We can all do something.  If we all do what we can in our little corner, we might just change the world. Let's give it a try.

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