Friday, November 25, 2011

'Tis the Season To Be...

"Go ahead and play the blues if it'll make you happy." - Dan Castellaneta

It's been a while since I've written in my blog. The truth be told, I've been struggling with the blues and as it's Christmastime, I didn't want to write about that and be a downer. But my dear friend Sara reminded me yesterday, that this is my blog and I write it for myself so I can write about whatever is on my mind and needn't worry about it. Besides, she thought maybe writing it down would make me feel better. So here I am. And baby, I've got the blues.

The long nights and short days aren't helping but really it's not the darkness that is at the core of my angst. There is just so much sadness around me these past couple of weeks that I guess I haven't been able to keep from absorbing some of it. I was at another funeral visitation on Monday. My friend Mardi's dad passed away. Geraldine's sister Bev's time is fast dwindling. Ger is heartbroken. I'm thinking of my friends Stephen and Nancy who are dealing with the sadness of their own recent losses. Too much death. Too much loss in the start of this holiday season.

No time to wallow though. It is also AGM season for me. Last night was Willow's AGM. Next Wednesday is the AGM for the Clinic. I signed up for another three year term on the Board of Willow last night, but will not be doing the same for the Clinic. My term as Chair will come to an end on Wednesday. It's been a long two and a half years and while I'm very proud of the work I've done for the Clinic, I'm anxious to hand over the reins and move on.

Tomorrow the Christmas Sale is on at my Mom's nursing home. My sister Nan and I have been really busy all week preparing all the white elephant merchandise for sale. Normally, we get a lot of jewelry to sell but there was very little donated this year. As the jewelry is what the residents most look forward to buying, I spent the best part of the morning yesterday making earrings. I expect the three dozen pairs I made to be gone within the first half hour. I couldn't bear the idea of disappointing the residents. I'll sell them for a couple of dollars a pair, though the cost to make them is more than that but it doesn't much matter. They will be happy.

Of course, I know that is the ticket for combating the blues. If I make someone else feel better, I'll feel better too. Works every time.

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