Monday, July 1, 2019

Resilient On the Eve of 64

"Will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I'm sixty-four" - The Beatles

Tomorrow marks the tenth anniversary since I began writing this blog and my 64th birthday.  I used to write in it quite frequently but a glance at my last entry shows me I have not written in it since January.   I guess I've been living in my head quite a lot.  I've been in my pre-birthday reflective period these past couple of weeks.  I've been trying to figure out a bunch of things - not just the direction of my future but also the truth of my past.   That is to say, I've been trying to get to the core of who I really am, free from the roles, confines and expectations that have been both self-imposed and imposed on me by others.  Becoming an orphan has been hard on me.  But after all the months of introspection, inside my grief and pain and even joy, I discovered one truth about myself.  I am resilient.

No matter what hand I get dealt, I have so far managed to play it the best way I know how and when I have to fold, I keep getting back into the game, no matter what.  I am resilient.  I have three times come back strong from critical illness.  I am resilient.  I have walked through hell and kept on walking because I am resilient.  I don't know why it took until 64 to figure it out but I'm awfully glad that I did.

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