Friday, October 17, 2014

Longing for Louboutins

"A shoe is not only a design, but it's a part of your body language, the way you walk.  The way you're going to move is quite dictated by your shoes." - Christian Louboutin
If you looked in my closet you would find at least a hundred pairs of shoes.  I like shoes.  It's the one thing I have in common with Imelda Marcos.  What you wouldn't see is much in the way of flat shoes.  There are are a couple of pairs of mocassins and a couple of pairs of Toms and even several pairs of running shoes in various colours.  But flat dress shoes aren't in my wardrobe.  It is week eleven of my hip and back saga with no end in sight.  Sandal weather is gone.  I'm trying to carry on with my life, within the limitations of my pain.  Last Friday night we attended a wedding.  I stopped on my way home from physio and bought a lovely pair of beaded ballet flats that were a terrible price but they worked with the black cocktail dress I was wearing that evening and I was in poor enough shape that I couldn't manage more than one store. 

Today I had a business meeting downtown and I once again faced the problem of what to put on my feet.  I ended up wearing those same shoes.  While they are a little dressy for the business dress I wore, they were a better alternative than the too casual choices available.  Tomorrow I will go and try to find some other shoes to buy that would be a bit more suitable for my business wardrobe.  On the way back to my car from my meeting today I popped into a shoe store to scope out their inventory.  I saw two wonderful pairs, one suede pair in the perfect hot pink colour I've been looking for to go with my pink leather jacket, the other in an electric blue.  Alas, both pairs have four inch heels.  The flats in the store were all so boring and so not me.

When I finally get over these problems, I think I might splurge and treat myself to a pair of Christian Louboutin shoes.  And of course, whenever possible, I will sit with my legs crossed to show off the red soles.  A girl can dream.

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