Tuesday, July 16, 2013


"You can say you've got issues
You can say you're a victim
It's all your parents' fault, I mean after all you didn't pick em
Maybe somebody else has got time to listen
My give a damn's busted"
- Lyrics to My Give a Damn's Busted by Jo Dee Messina

It may be the dog days of summer or it may be just fatigue, but whatever the cause behind it, my give a damn's busted and I'm not sure what to do about it.  I'm happy to have the business. After all the bills don't stop coming because I'm not in the mood. But I'm finding it harder and harder to listen to rants and whines from clients who are angry because life isn't fair.  It could be that I'd be feeling more tolerant if my current clients were young people who could be forgiven for believing life is supposed to be fair.  But the two people causing me heartburn right now are in their sixties and I'm feeling both annoyed and bewildered by their rants about the injustice of it all.  My feelings are further exacerbated by the fact that, in truth, neither of them has been treated unfairly.

I've been thinking a lot about what I would do if I went into a new line of work.  I know I won't be going into a new line of work but it's still fun to dream.  What do I want to be when I grow up?  Maybe a jewellery designer or furniture maker.  Perhaps I could start a new business selling penny tables and wall art.  Or maybe I could finish the novel I started but have only written mostly in my head.  Admittedly, the yearning for such solitary pursuits may seem odd for a woman who makes her living as a human resources consultant.  But my give a damn's busted and I'm out of super glue.

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