Beauty, like ice, our footing does betray;
Who can tread sure on the smooth, slippery way:
Pleased with the surface, we glide swiftly on,
And see the dangers that we cannot shun.
- John Dryden
There is beauty in the ice that coats the trees in the ravine following a spectacular ice storm last night. There is destruction and ruin in that same ice. The streets of Toronto are littered with fallen trees and broken branches. Most of the city has been without power since last night. Toronto Hydro is reporting that it will likely take until Tuesday to restore power to all affected. Merry Christmas. In our tiny pocket there is power. Apart from a couple of short blips last night and some brown outs today, we have hydro. I am especially grateful. My friend Cathy was released from Sunnybrook hospital this morning and her husband was unable to get here from their Thornbury home two hours away. So we have the privilege of hosting Cathy. I'm so happy to have her here and to be able to take care of her a little.
As none of the malls or grocery stores are open in this blanket of ice, I couldn't make a run to the grocery store. There is still soup left from the batch I made yesterday when Cath was craving a decent meal as a departure from hospital food. I've just prepared a quiche and popped it in the oven. There is always pasta with a variety of sauces available. We won't starve. There is a Harry Potter movie marathon on TV. And the limoncello crema I made a couple of months ago is ready for drinking. The view outside the window is spectacular. And looking at it from inside is exactly the place I want to be.
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