"There are two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle."
--Albert Einstein
I've been asking for a lot in this season of miracles. Howard got his new lungs and he is doing remarkably well. A rift in a family that I care deeply about was healed. My sister Cathy who has been unwell and got a very scary diagnosis a couple of weeks ago, got very good news from her specialist. What more could I possibly want? We have been more than blessed. So, I found myself almost embarrassed to go to God with another request yesterday. I had just learned that an old friend of mine (another Cathy) was undergoing very complex cancer surgery.
My friend Frank dropped by for tea in the morning and we got to talking about all the serious illnesses that have touched our family and friends during this Christmas season. At another time I think I may have felt overwhelmed by it all, but mostly I haven't felt that way. There are practical things I can do to help and I'm doing them. I can pray, and I'm doing that. And in a strange way, I'm glad all these things have happened at this rather than another time. It is the season of miracles. What better time could there be?
My friend's Cathy's husband called last evening. The surgery was very successful. She is going to be just fine. I am grateful beyond measure.
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