Tuesday, October 20, 2015


“A country can be great not in spite of its diversity, but because of its diversity. When people come together to create opportunities for one another, the dreams we hold in common will crowd out the fears that would divide us.” - Justin Trudeau

It is as if the country has had a collective case of amnesia and yesterday Canadians woke up and remembered who we are.  In a breathtaking wave of red, Justin Trudeau's Liberals ousted Stephen Harper's Conservatives. Gone are the days of the politics of hate and fear.  

For some of us, what has happened in our country these last years has been bewildering.  We are a nation of immigrants who shuttered our borders.  We are a mosaic of people, proud of our multiculturalism who became obsessed about what was on women's heads instead of what was in them.  We are a nation with a huge social conscience who cut services to our most marginalized people.  We are a nation of lakes and oceans, mountains and plains, trees and tundra, arguably the most beautiful land on Earth and we stopped protecting our environment.

Yesterday, the winds of change blew across our land and today we woke up to a kinder, gentler Canada.  The true north, strong and free.

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