Saturday, December 8, 2012

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

"I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way he or she handles these three things:  a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights." - Maya Angelou

Last Saturday, Merv put up our two Christmas trees.  I am responsible for decorating the main floor tree and he is responsible for decorating the downstairs tree.  Every year, I change the main floor tree to reflect the theme of our Christmas.  This year, we are having a Newfoundland-themed Christmas in the colours of pink, white and green like the flag of Newfoundland before it joined Confederation in 1947.  If you asked Merv last week how many strands of lights I've purchased over the years, he would have told you more than he could count in every colour of the rainbow.  But he would have been wrong.  For the past ten years, I've been trying to find pink lights for the tree.  Until this year, I hadn't found them.  Now we have eight strands.

The tree Merv bought for the living room this year is very tall - too tall for me to handle.  On the ladder I managed to get lights on all but the top foot.  There is not a chance I could get the star up, though I wouldn't put it up anyway as I leave that honour to Jacob when he gets home from school.  I figured he could adjust the lights (which I left hanging loosely) to cover the gap at the same time he put up the star.  It took me a whole afternoon to get the lights on.  I've been really busy with work so I didn't get around to doing the lights until Wednesday.  I got up on Thursday morning at 5:30 to put up the decorations.  Again, there are gaps high in the branches that will have to be filled in by Jacob.  I wanted to ribbon the tree with pink crystalline ribbon but the tree is so tall I can't get it started on my own.  I called Cath to ask if she would help me on Thursday night but that didn't work out so it is Saturday afternoon and the tree is still unribboned.  I guess it will be one more job for Jacob when he gets home tomorrow.

In chatting with Geraldine on Thursday afternoon, I learned that Brian put up their tree last weekend as well.  It was still waiting to be decorated and Ger didn't much seem to have the heart to do it.  Her dad is very sick and this is the first Christmas without Beverley so it's no wonder she is struggling with finding her Christmas spirit.  I decided looking at a naked tree in her living room couldn't be helping so yesterday I went over and decorated their tree too.  I enjoyed the time with Ger.  And it seemed to boost both our spirits. While they were out this morning, I went and ribboned their tree with beautiful gold crystalline ribbon.  Their tree is a foot shorter than mine so I had no problem reaching the tall branches.  I hope they like it.

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