Friday, October 19, 2012

Legal (Dis)Ease

"The trouble with law is lawyers." - Clarence Darrow

My day yesterday was spent in an employment law summit that so nearly bored me to death, I imagined it would be less painful to stick pins in my eyes.  That being said, I needed the continuing professional development hours to keep my paralegal license current so I stayed.  The seminar hall had emptied by half when we resumed after the lunch break.  Once you've paid your money and checked in at the registration desk in the morning, there is no need to prove that you actually attended the sessions.  One could presume that those who left returned promptly to their offices and watched the sessions on the webcast.  But if you believe that, I have some swamp land in Florida I'd like to talk to you about.  I did have a few moments when I considered skipping out.  No one would have known other than me.  But that was the problem.  I would have known I didn't really put the hours in and so I could not, in all good conscience have claimed them toward my requirements.  Pesky thing, that conscience of mine.

I sincerely hope the next program I attend in a couple of weeks on social media and employment has a little more meat on the bones.  The programs are expensive and I'd sure like to get more out of them than just meeting my CPD hours requirements.

The ravine behind our house moved from golden to burnt orange this week.  It's really quite lovely.  I've been thinking about digging out some carnelian stones from my inventory and making a few new pieces.  If memory serves me correctly, there are even a few orange pearls left from one of last year's projects and some citrine stones as well.  I'm sure with a little thought and some inspiration, I will figure out how to reflect the ravine vista in a necklace or two.

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