"The Democrats think Republicans are stealing elections. The Republicans think Democrats are stealing elections. Those of us independent of the two old parties know they are both right." - Kevin Zeese
I don't understand American politics. I'm fascinated by them but I don't understand them. I've been watching the Republican primaries. It's a bit like watching an Ultimate Fighting Competition where the warriors are trying to do as much damage to one another as possible, no holds barred. They say terrible things about each other and run TV ads that cast terrible aspersions on each other's reputations. Nothing is sacred - not marriages, not finances, not the most basic elements of personal integrity. All this to win the party nomination. But at the end, only one person wins. What I can't get a handle on is how the party wins after their own members have publicly denounced one another and aired all the dirty laundry.
Won't all the things Newt said about Mitt's finances, come back to bite the Republicans if Mitt gets the nomination? Heck, the Democrats won't even need to write their own ads. They can just replay the ads Newt's people are airing right now in Florida. Not that Mitt is any better. He is running all kinds of ugly attack ads on Newt. Aren't these people afraid that the voters are still going to remember this stuff in November?
It sure makes for good TV but I find it hard to believe there can be any real winner in this fight. The Ugandan's have a proverb that was shared with me by my friend Melody when she was there a few years ago - When two elephants fight it is the grass that suffers. Seems an apt expression on this side of the ocean too.
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