Friday, September 2, 2011

Such Sweet Sorrow

"Beware of parting! The true sadness is not in the pain of the parting; it is in the when and the how you are to meet again with the face about to vanish from your view." - Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer

Jacob is upstairs packing. I am downstairs trying to pretend it isn't happening. Labour Day weekend - time for him to go. I could swear he got home only last week. A few hours ago we picked Jono up and went down to the Distillery for a farewell family dinner. Jono is terribly jet-lagged from his trip to Hawaii so he wanted to go home right after dinner. We had a nice time but dinner was short. We were all a bit sad when we dropped him off. The next time we see one another will be Thanksgiving. Five weeks feels like a long time from now.

Jacob wants to go to Guelph in the morning tomorrow. He has volunteered to help the first-year engineering students to get oriented to the faculty. He's working every day from Sunday through Wednesday and is required to attend an orientation team meeting tomorrow. It is generous of him to volunteer his time to help the new students. Generous but not surprising. I remember that he was very grateful to those who helped him get oriented two years ago. He's big on paying it forward. I, of course, am extremely proud.

So we will take him to Guelph in the morning and return to a very quiet house. Tomorrow evening we will dine with Brian and Geraldine. I'm hoping the predicted rain will hold off long enough for us to dine on a patio. Ger spotted a limoncello bellini on the menu at a downtown restaurant and we both want to give it a try. Transitions seem easier to get through after a bellini or two.

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