“Mysteries are not necessarily miracles.”
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I probably have too much time on my hands. But sitting on the beach these past few days, I've been contemplating some of life's mysteries. No matter how hard I try, there are things I just can't understand...
Why do obese women go on vacation and wear two piece bathing suits and bikinis? Is it that they don't know how truly terrible they look or that they don't care? Are there no mirrors in their houses, hotel rooms or the department stores where they shop?
Why are so many young people, many of them female, covered in tattoos? Not only do they have huge unsightly tattoos but they have them in places that make me wince. I can't imagine having the top of my foot tattooed or the whole side of my abdomen. How about the inside of the upper arm? I could hardly bear the four tiny tattoos I had to have done when I was experiencing radiation. Why anyone would voluntarily desecrate his or her body is a total mystery to me.
Why can't people who were born, raised and educated in an English speaking country (south of the 49th parallel) use even the most basic rules of grammar. It is like nails on a chalkboard to continually hear people babble on about how they "seen" something or ask "did you see them baracudas?" - appalling.
Why do people travel so far from home, go to restaurants and insist on badgering the chef into making them hamburgers though there isn't anything near a hamburger on the menu? Today at lunch, I saw people read the menu at the entrance and ask the hostess if they could get a cheeseburger made in the Mexican restaurant even though there is nothing on the menu that uses ground beef. Amazingingly, the hotel staff is so accustomed to the request that they hardly batted an eye. Eleven people around me were obliged.
Why do people smoke while they are bobbing in the ocean? Every day when I take my morning dip I see people smoking cigars and cigarettes while they bob in the ocean. Now that is just plain weird.
Hi, I just read your post and would just like to give you my opinion. While people make choices that you or I might not understand, those same people might be thinking something about us. We are not meant to understand everybody or everything. That is what makes us unique. I am sure fat people know they are fat, and skinny people know they are skinny, and if a 200lb. woman feels comfortable enough with themselves to wear a bikini then who are we to tell them any different? I don't know, my outlook on life is this; live everyday as if it was your best day. Don't sweat the little stuff because we cannot get lost time back. Never waste time trying to figure out things that you will never figure out. It is what it is.