“So let us begin anew - remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to proof.” - John Fitzgerald Kennedy
It is Christmastime - you know, a time of goodwill and peace. A time to embrace your neighbours and set aside the grievances of the past year. And I hope, a time to turn down the hateful rhetoric which is filling our air waves and newspaper columns each day of late. This left-wing pinko kook is making a plea for civility.
On Tuesday, Don Cherry, Canadian hockey broadcasting icon was the special guest of Rob Ford at Mr. Ford's mayoral inauguration. A lot of people were a bit surprised by Don Cherry as the choice of who would have the honour of hanging the chain of office around the new mayor's neck. Cherry isn't a resident of Toronto and while he fancies himself a political pundit, he has no expertise in the political arena. His clearly right-wing and often hateful statements have shocked and upset people across the country for years. The Globe and Mail and the Toronto Star both took positions that called upon Mr. Ford to choose someone who would bring dignity to the occasion, but Mr. Ford was not persuaded. Unless you have been living under a rock these past few days, you are aware of the hateful diatribe Mr. Cherry unleashed when he took the microphone to introduce Rob Ford. Calling the press, those who did not support Mr. Ford and those who have a different view of the needs of our city, a brunch of pinkos and left-wing kooks, Mr. Cherry helped to widen the chasm between city councillors on the left and those on the right. He caused deep offense to many of the city's citizenry, me included. How dare Don Cherry characterize me as a pinko kook because I disagree with him politically.
Not that it will ever happen, but Mr. Cherry owes all the citizens of Toronto an apology. So does Mayor Ford. Though I do not have a public platform from which to espouse my views, I too have done some name calling of Mr. Cherry and Mr. Ford these past couple of days. All of my name choices have been related to anatomical actions and parts. And at the moments I used them, those names gave me a little release of my anger. But, of course, it did nothing to improve the situation.
I wish there was some way to call everyone together and hammer out an agreement that would result in some civility. We have real problems in this city, real challenges ahead. We need to talk. We need to work together. We need to find a better way. Enough of the hateful rhetoric. I'll try if they will.
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