"Your son at five is your master, at ten your slave, at fifteen your double, and after that, your friend or your foe, depending on his bringing up." ~Author Unknown
It has been three long weeks since we brought Jacob to school. I've spoken to him little and exchanged only short text messages and the odd email. Merv is in San Francisco on a business trip. The house is quiet and a little empty. So I decided to call Jacob and ask him if he could spare a couple of hours for lunch. Cath and I headed out around eleven this morning. We were greeted by Jacob at the front door of his new house where he gave us each a huge hug and offered a tour. His room looks terrific and the whole house was remarkably tidy. Then it was off to lunch.
A new Montana's has opened up just down the street from Jacob's place. That is timely as earlier this week I sent him a gift card good for use at five restaurants, Montana's included. For a couple of hours we shared a good meal and good conversation. Jacob looks good - skinny but good - though I would prefer to see him with his hair cut.
After we dropped him off we headed to the local Winners store for a little exploration and then back home to try and get to Mom's to spend a little time. We called Nan to let her know we were running late only to learn that Mom's nursing home is in lock down due to a stomach bug so we cancelled today's visit. I've passed a pleasant evening stringing pearls and working on my Christmas gift projects.
The house is still quiet and a little empty. But even just a couple of hours with Jacob eased the ache. And judging from the text message he sent me this evening, he was feeling it as much as I was.
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