Friday, July 30, 2010

The Middle Weekend

"There aren't enough days in the weekend." - Rod Schmidt

The middle long weekend of the summer is here and I'm swallowing hard. Don't get me wrong. I'm happy to enjoy a long weekend when I have no commitments and the big party for Jacob's friends is at someone else's house. But I begin this holiday weekend with the sobering thought that on the next holiday weekend, in just one short month, Jacob will be moving back to Guelph.

A few days ago Jacob informed us that he would be moving a full week before Labour Day. He was under the mistaken impression that classes start on the day after Labour Day and he wanted some time to settle into his new house. Merv booked a moving truck and I tried not to cry. Jacob did say he would resign from work on August 20 to give us a little together time before he left. When he realized classes didn't start quite so early he amended his plans. He will resign from work on August 26. The next day he and Merv will load the truck and we will move him into his new place. Then he will come home with us to relax the following week and will go back to Guelph on Labour Day weekend. I like this plan better.

For one thing, we want to take Jacob and Jonathan to celebrate their coming of age at either Casino Rama or Casino Niagara - depending on what acts are playing and Jonathan's work schedule. Both my boys will be turning nineteen in the middle of the month. I also want some extra time after I've seen Jacob's new place to determine what else I need to buy to get him set up. So far, I've bought dishes and glasses, flatware, knives and a slow cooker. In the next few days I will order a new double bed and buy bedding. This weekend I will take him to Ikea so he can choose a desk, a dresser and a wardrobe (there is no closet in his room). I still need to steam clean the area carpet his Aunt Cath gave him.

The good news is I'm not experiencing the same level of angst as last year at this time. I know I will survive this separation. It's a bit like knowing I'm slated to make my 60K Weekend to End Women's Cancers walk just a week after Jacob goes. The walk will, no doubt, be painful but as it is my fourth time doing it, I know I will survive.

Apart from that shopping excursion with Jacob, I'm going to try not to think about any of it. It's the long weekend and I have a date with some good champagne and the twelve strands of purple pearls I bought last week that are crying out to be strung.

1 comment:

  1. Jackie - real progress that the angst is at a lower drive level than last year! And now that your baby is 19... you can do the casino thing together. It's all good.

