"Labor Day is a glorious holiday because your child will be going back to school the next day. It would have been called Independence Day, but that name was already taken." ~Bill Dodds
I would agree with Mr. Dodds that Labour Day would more properly be called something else. But I don't think it would be called Independence Day, I think it would be called New Year's Day. No matter how old I get, the first day of school always feels to me like the beginning of a new year.
This year, of course, I haven't had to accompany Jacob to the first day of school. There are no meetings with the new teachers. No curriculum night. No memorization of schedules to ensure I deliver him to his morning classes in time. No concern about what school activities dictate pick-up time at the end of the school day.
Jacob has checked in by e-mail a couple of times. He seems to be having a lot of fun. Last night he sent me a picture of his new mohawk though by the time he took the picture he had washed out the spiking glue and the blue colour. It made me laugh. Here is the boy who loved his long hair so much that every haircut has been a battle for eighteen years. My offer to take him for a haircut before he left for university, was met by a guffaw. Unlike at private school, there is no rule at university that says your hair must be short and off your collar. Jacob informed me he might not cut his hair again for years. So the mohawk was a bit surprising. Whatever. It's hair, it grows back. I would have liked to see the blue.
As for me, I'm putting my head down and trying to get re-focused on my business. I'm making appointments, networking, strategizing and trying to get organized. It feels good. I have a busy week planned. The nest is empty but I'm okay.
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